Founded in 1984.
We bring together those interested in local history and archaeology and to encourage research in Addlestone, New Haw, Ottershaw, Row Town, Weybridge and Woodham areas.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month (excluding January & August) at the Addlestone Centre in Garfield Road Addlestone KT15 2NJ at 8.00pm with speakers covering a variety of topics. Occasional trips are organised to places of local interest. We are a social group so please come to any meeting to experience the evening and have the opportunity of joining our Society.
Visitors: £3.00 for the evening (pay at the door on the evening)
Membership: £20.00 from April 1st 2025 to 31st March 2026 which includes a quarterly newsletter for members with reports of meetings, articles of historical interest, and general news of the Society.